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Adobe flash professional cs6 tutorial animation free
Flash has toolbars, panels, palettes, and windows.
1. Getting Around Flash – Flash CS6: The Missing Manual [Book]
Guide to ADOBE FLASH CS6. Here we discuss the help of a lot of beginners & fresher in the field of 2D animations and multimedia. Learn Flash Professional CS6 tutorial (Jul. 19, ). Learn the basics of Flash Pro CS6 with Getting Started and New Features tutorials by product experts.
ADOBE FLASH CS6 | How to Create Animation in Adobe Flash Cs6? – Interesting tutorials
Please work through the tutorial as described below. The tutorial can be used as a reference to Flash: if at any time you get stuck doing a task in Flash when working through Labs 5 — 8, you may be able to find out how to accomplish that task by finding it in the tutorial. You can download a 7 -day trial version of Adobe Animate CC for use on your home computer.
Be forewarned that the Flash download may take a very, very, long time. Expanded panels take up more real estate, but they also give you more details and often have word labels for the tools and settings. Show or hide a panel. Use the Window menu to show and hide individual panels. Checkmarks appear next to the panels that are shown. Close a floating panel. On the Mac, click the X in the upper-left corner. Show or hide all panels. The F4 key works like a toggle, hiding or showing all the panels and toolbars.
Use it when you want to quickly reduce screen clutter and focus on your artwork. Separate or combine tabbed panels. Click and drag the name on a tab to separate it from a group of tabbed panels. To add a tab to a group, just drag it into place. Reset the panel workspace. A docked toolbar or panel appears attached to some part of the workspace window, while a floating toolbar or panel is one you can reposition by dragging.
Whether you want to display toolbars and panels as docked or floating is a matter of personal choice. If you constantly need to click something on a toolbar—which means it needs to be in full view at all times—docked works best.
You may notice a color change Figure , especially as you begin to move the panel. The actual visual effect is different on Mac and Windows computers, but the mechanics work the same. Drag the panel away from the edge of the workspace window and release the mouse button.
Flash displays the panel where you dropped it. You can reposition it anywhere you like simply by dragging it again. To dock a floating panel, simply reverse the procedure: Drag the floating panel to the edge of the workspace window and let go of the mouse button. You see a line or a shadow when the panel is ready to dock.
When you let go, Flash docks the panel automatically. Bottom: The checkmarks on the menu show when a toolbar is turned on. When you reposition a floating toolbar, Flash remembers where you put it. If, later on, you hide the toolbar—or exit Flash and run it again—your toolbars appear exactly as you left them. Strictly speaking, Flash has only three toolbars: Main, Controller, and Edit. Everything else is a panel, even if it looks suspiciously like a toolbar. Figure shows all three toolbars.
Main Windows only. The Main toolbar gives you one-click basic operations, like opening an existing Flash file, creating a new file, and cutting and pasting sections of your drawing. With Flash Professional CS6, the Controller is a little obsolete, because now the same buttons appear below the timeline. Edit bar. Using the options here, you can change your view of the stage, zooming in and out, as well as edit scenes named groups of frames and symbols reusable drawings.
The Edit bar is a little different from the other toolbars in that it remains fixed to the stage. The Tools panel is unique. In the Essentials workspace, the Tools panel appears along the right side of the Flash program window.
There are no text labels, just a series of icons. However, if you need a hint, just hold your mouse over one of the tools, and a tooltip shows the name of the tool. Most animations start with a single drawing. And to draw something in Flash, you need drawing tools: pens, pencils, brushes, colors, erasers, and so on.
Chapter 2 shows you how to use these tools to create a simple drawing; this section gives you a quick overview of the six sections of the Tools panel, each of which focuses on a slightly different kind of drawing tool or optional feature.
At the top of the Tools panel are the tools you need to create and modify a Flash drawing. For example, you might use the Pen tool to start a sketch, the Paint Bucket or Ink Bottle to apply color, and the Eraser to clean up mistakes. The Tools panel groups tools by different drawing chores.
Selection and Transform tools are at the top, followed by Drawing tools. Next are the IK Bones tool and the Color tools. The View tools are for zooming and panning. The Color tools include two swatches, one for strokes and one for fills. If you like, you can drag the docked Tools panel away from the edge of the workspace and turn it into a floating panel.
In either of these situations, you can use the tools Flash displays in the View section of the Tools panel to zoom in, zoom out, and pan around the stage. Each dot is a pixel. You can use these tools to choose a color from the Color palette before you click one of the drawing icons to begin drawing or afterward to change the colors, as discussed in Chapter 2.
Flash applies that color to the stage as you draw. For example, when you select the Zoom tool from the View section of the Tools panel, the Options section displays an Enlarge icon and a Reduce icon that you can use to change the way the Zoom tool works Figure On the Tools panel, when you click each tool, the Options section shows you buttons that let you modify that particular tool. In many ways, the Properties panel is Command Central as you work with your animation, because it gathers all the pertinent details for the objects you work with and displays them in one place.
Select an object, and the Properties panel displays all of its properties and settings. The Properties panel usually appears when you open a new document. For example, if you select a text field, the Properties panel lists the typeface, font size, and text color. You also see information on the paragraph settings, like the margins and line spacing. Here, because a text field is selected, the Properties panel gives you options you can use to change the typeface, font size, font color, and paragraph settings.
Click the triangular expand and collapse buttons to show and hide details in the Properties panel. Fortunately, the various panels and tools work consistently. For example, many objects have settings that determine their onscreen positions and define their width and height dimensions. These common settings usually appear at the top of the Properties panel, and you set them the same way for most kinds of objects.
The Library panel Figure is a place to store objects you want to use more than once. This trick saves time and ensures consistency to boot. In the upper-right corner of most panels is an Options menu button. When you click this button, a menu of options appears—different options for each panel. For example, the Color Swatch panel lets you add and delete color swatches.
Storing simple images as reusable symbols in the Library panel does more than just save you time: It saves you file size, too. Using the Library panel you see here, you can preview symbols, add them to the stage, and easily add symbols you created in one Flash document to another.
For now, Table gives a thumbnail description and notes the page where the panel is described in detail. Table Flash Panels and their uses in order as they appear on the Window menu. Technically, the timeline is just another panel. You can move, hide, expand, and collapse the timeline just as you would any other panel.
See Frame-by-Frame Animation for more. A powerful tool used to create and control animation effects. See A Tour of the Motion Editor for more. Perhaps the most frequently used panel of all—it holds drawing, selecting, and coloring tools.
Everything that appears on the stage has properties that define its appearance or characteristics. Even the stage has properties, like width, height, and background color. See Color Tools for more. Holds graphics, symbols, and entire movies that you want to reuse.
See Symbols and Instances for more. When you want to share buttons, classes, or sounds among several different Flash documents, use the common libraries. See the tip on Tip for more.
Serves up dozens of predesigned animations. See Applying Motion Presets for more. You use this panel to write ActionScript code.
The Actions panel provides a window for code, a reference tool for the programming language, and a visual display for the object-oriented nature of the code. Specific bits of code perform timeline tricks, load or unload graphics, handle audiovisual tasks, and program buttons. See the box on Create an Event Handler in a Snap for more.
The earlier version of ActionScript version 2. Messages explain the location of an error and provide hints as to what went wrong. See Setting and Working with Breakpoints for more.
Additional panels to help you find errors in your ActionScript programs. See Analyzing Code with the Debugger for more. The display uses a tree structure to show the relationship of the elements. Another place to debug ActionScript programs. The Output panel is used to display text messages at certain points as a program runs. Our team of authors consists of highly qualified and experienced Animation and Visual Effects Artists, Engineers and Programmers who have a strong academic and industrial background.
They understand the needs of the students, the faculty, and the challenges the students face when they start working in industry. All our books have been structured in a way that facilitates teaching and learning, and also exposes students to real-world applications. The textbooks, apart from providing comprehensive study material, are well appreciated for the simplicity of content, clarity of style, and the in-depth coverage of the subject.
Before joining Purdue University in , Prof. These textbooks have brought unmatched pride and recognition to the Engineering Technology department and Purdue University. He has also developed a web site that provides free teaching and learning resources to faculty and students. Since , over half a million users have visited his web site and are using the resources on a regular basis. It is frequently used for creating advertisements and games. In this textbook, the author emphasizes on the 2D drawings, animation, articulated motion with Inverse Kinematics, web page design and development, ActionScript 3.
This textbook will help the users unleash their creativity, thus enabling them to transform their imagination into reality with ease. The textbook caters to the needs of both novice and advanced users of the software. Written with the tutorial point-of-view and learn-by-doing theme, this textbook is ideally suited for learning at your convenience and pace.
Following are the additional features of this book: The textbook consists of 11 chapters that are organized in a pedagogical sequence covering drawing and editing tools, symbols, animation techniques, articulated motion with inverse kinematics, scripting ActionScript 3. Next we are going to draw the first thing we want to animate, which is a box. Click on the Rectangle tool and draw a box on the stage.
Since we are going to animate 3 things we need to make 3 layers. You can create a new layer by clicking the Insert Layer button at the bottom left corner of the score. Now we are going to turn the object that we created in Layer 1 into a Symbol so we can animate it. Once the box comes up with options in it, name your symbol and choose the behavior: Graphic. You can now create the keyframes for your animation.
The way this method of animation works tweening is by you creating keyframes the frames with the little black dots on them and on those frames setting the important positions of your shape.
Then when you apply a motion tween, flash will fill in the frames between the keyframes for you. So the first keyframe, we have the box at the left side of the stage. To make a second keyframe at frame 20, click on the frame and press F6 to create a new keyframe. Then click on frame 40 to create another keyframe. Since we want the box to go back and forth we are going to want the middle keyframe to have to box at the right side of the stage.
So click on the keyframe and move the box to the right side of the screen. Now your 3 keyframes should have the box on the left, then on the right, and the final one on the left again. Now we want flash to fill in the frames between our keyframes so that we get an animation. If you have done everything right the frames should turn blue with a little arrow 2. The box you created should be sliding back and forth. To create a more smooth and organic looking animation click on the keyframes that you have applied a motion tween to, and in the contextual menu at the bottom of your screen put Easing to , or , play around with the effects of this.
Now in the layer above your blue box layer, draw a circle. We are going to create a Shape Tween animation with this shape. You need to make 2 more keyframes using F6 just like you did for the Blue Box animation, however, in the middle frame, delete the circle and draw a different shape somewhere else on the stage. In this case I made a box.
Now, instead of right clicking on the keyframes and selecting motion tween, you need to click on the keyframes and go down to your contextual toolbar where you can choose Motion from the Tween pull down menu 1. If you did everything right your shape tweened frames should be green with little arrows in the frames, as you can see in figure 2. So now we are going to make 3rd and final animation, and that will be animating a mask over some text. The first thing you want to do is create your text using the text tool t in a new layer.
Fill in 40 frames with this text, so click on frame 40 and press F5, this will create frames in the score. Now that you have your text, create a motion tween animation on a layer above it just like you did for the blue box. Make sure your animation is happening right over the text. Now all you have to do to turn your animation into a mask is right click on the layer and choose: Mask. And that’s the finished animation.
Adobe flash professional cs6 tutorial animation free
Adding the Motion Tween 7. Select the Motion Editor tab next to the Timeline tab. In the Tools panel, click the Zoom tool, which looks like a magnifying glass Figure Adobe Flash adobe flash professional cs6 tutorial animation free still the leading plan to create animations, games and presentations that can be professiojal on any computer and countless mobile devices. There’s also live online events, interactive content, certification prep materials, and more. Больше на странице one called Default Presets shown open here holds presets designed aobe Adobe. Multimedia producers or developers who are interested in how Flash can be used to share their audio and video projects across the web.