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Select either any country one wishes to continue with. Step8: The user can also use skype and contact the concerned person by dialing the number given on the activation wizard. Make sure the computer has an internet connection. They will return the call by giving information about installation ID and the purpose of installation of MS Office MS offers a very easy and convenient way to activate products online.

Following steps should be followed for this purpose. Internet connection should be on for the activation process. Step1: A prompt Window will appear as the user opens MS Office , the window will ask for the activation of the copy of Microsoft Office which consists of a 25 character long code.

Step2: Enter the product key in the space provided by the prompt video. Make sure to have fast internet connection. Another way to activate is using Microsoft Office Activator. In order to carry out the activation, the anti-virus system should be disabled for some time, as the Microsoft Company does not approve of activating pirated windows and office copies. Once the antivirus is disabled, install the software and later on run the software. Afterward, search E-Z Activator in the activation tab and click on it.

After some time, the copy will be activated. Restart the PC and reinstall the anti-virus program. Microsoft Office has a special feature that offers prevention from privacy breaching. It protects the MS Office from hackers who try to intrude and sell software to other users at a lower price.

In order to avail these privileges, it is necessary to activate it on time; otherwise, the productive key will be declared invalid and different software will eventually stop working. After the activation is done, the program starts to keep a record of the verified data in order to make sure that the same copy is not used by different users. It has various features, some of them are:. As far as the review of Microsoft Office is concerned, it is still cherished by professional users despite it being so old.

However, there are times when users get stuck during the activation process and they start looking for the keys online which is very hard to do. Due to these reasons, Microsoft discontinued this version. Now, MS office has changed the registration and login procedure. Therefore, it is recommended not to adopt any illegal ways and for genuine activation.

After completing the installation process online on the computer, it is also necessary to activate it on the phone through online.


2023-01-23T04:44:14+04:00January 23rd, 2023|

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