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Microsoft project 2013 change saturday to working day free download

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This will ensure that your tasks automatically follow the project start date according to the provided durations. You can see the linking arrows in the image below. Also, as you can see in the screenshot, that Saturday is an off day! Now, Create a New Calendar :. Give your calendar a Name. Select Saturday as a working day. Enter the specific working times you want to have for Saturday. Double click on the task that has to be performed on Saturdays, and that will open the Task Information window.

In my example, I double clicked task 2. Go to the Advanced tab, and choose the calendar you have just created. In this example, it is the Saturday Work Calendar from the drop-down list.

Go to the Details button in the Exception tab and choose the Recurrence Pattern. There are daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly options.

Also, you can choose a certain day or, for example, a day in a certain order. The market offers dozens of other project planning tools that allow managers and team members easier to work with working and nonworking days.

GanttPRO is an online project planning tool based on Gantt charts and it is one of the best Microsoft Project alternatives. It allows users to create and assign tasks, track progress and deadlines, collaborate with team participants, manage resources, project and personal calendars. In GanttPRO, setting working and nonworking days is easy. The software offers a project calendar that is applicable to the whole project.

Working days and hours, as well as exceptions, are managed here. You will find this option at the top right corner. Also, in GanttPRO managers can save their calendars as templates, choose already saved templates or even go to the templates editor and create one for future projects. With a few clicks, it is possible to set personal calendars for each single team member.

Go to the Team and Resources button on the left of your working area. To the right of the required resource, click on the button with three dots. Here you can do the same actions as in the project calendar: set working days and hours and add exceptions. But in this case, it is applied to every single resource. Thus, all nonworking days, days off, holidays, non-standard working hours can be set beforehand with just a few clicks.

And these features are easy to find. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Read more in Privacy policy. Note: Use the Exceptions tab to add holidays to your schedule. Select the day s that you want to change the working times for, and then choose whether you want them to be working or nonworking time.

If you chose Set day s to these specific working times , use the From and To columns to set the working times for the selected days. Tip: Got a change in working days or times mid-project? Before clicking Details , give each timeframe a name on the Work Weeks tab, and add Start and Finish dates.

Select the first timeframe to set Details , and then repeat the process for the next timeframe. If another base calendar already exists that maps to how you’d like work scheduled on your project, you can easily change this in the Project Information dialog box.

Project includes a few different base calendars, by default, and your organization may have additional base calendars that an administrator has added to capture other common schedules. In the Calendar list, choose the calendar you’d like to use to schedule work, and then click OK. Tasks and resources can use their own calendars, in addition to this project calendar. Learn more. Project enables you to fine-tune scheduling using multiple calendars. If you understand how they all work together , it’s easier to plan for how your project’s dates will be impacted.

Here are a few more articles you might find helpful in building a more accurate picture of the working and nonworking days in your organization. If you don’t need a calendar anymore, delete it! When you are working with calendars in Project Professional, there are some different things that you can do to accurately account for working and nonworking time in your organization. The following sections provide examples for each kind of change and show you the steps that you must follow to make each change.

Note: Steps in this article assume that you are already creating or editing a calendar. For more information about how to create a calendar, see Create a new enterprise calendar or Copy an existing calendar. Change a working day into a nonworking day. Change a nonworking day into a working day. Change the working times for a working day.

Change the working times for each day of a work week. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software. Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites. Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct.

Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation.

Navigate to that page, select the Standard calendar, and then click the Edit button. The system will open the Standard calendar in Project Professional for editing.



Change the date format in Project desktop – Microsoft Support – Get started with Microsoft 365


Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct. Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. Navigate to that page, select the Standard calendar, and then click the Edit button.

The system will open the Standard calendar in Project Professional for editing. Hope this helps. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Sempastien Christodoulou. Hi all, i am an PWA administrator and i have an issue with the calendar. I have the same question Report abuse. Resources are one of the most critical issues in project management.

They are units that help managers and teams to properly allocate tasks, track time and workload, and complete projects in a timely manner. In this context, no one will be able to manage and control performance without calendars. Setting one common calendar for all resources is definitely a bad idea. If you have a standard working week, there will always be exceptions like days-off, vacation or non-standard working hours for each single team member.

And what if you deploy a virtual resource? You will hardly find a project where all the resources will cost the same and will require the same amount of time to perform tasks.

Calendars will help to overcome such obstacles. MS Project is one of the most widespread project management tools in the field as it offers dozens of useful features. Unfortunately, it makes the software too overloaded with options. Additionally, they are not easy to find. In this article, as a part of our Microsoft Project tutorial , we will discover how to set working days in Microsoft Project. To start with, calendars in Microsoft project are divided into four types:.

Base calendars. They serve as typical templates on which all other three types are dependent. In other words, they are starting points in your project. Enter working or non-working hours here, days-off, holidays, etc. In Microsoft Project, you can choose a Standard 8 a.

Base calendars can be modified. Project calendars. Here, default working conditions are set for all the tasks in your project. For example, if you work on your project from 9 a. Resource calendars. These are individual calendars of your resources.

If someone from your project has non-standard working hours, set them only for this resource without changes in the whole project. Task calendars. These calendars are used for certain tasks. For example, you already specified Saturday as a non-working day in your project, but a certain task requires work exactly on this day.

Task calendars allow for setting working days and working hours for specific tasks in your project. This is not very often used type in the Microsoft Project calendars but it can be a game changer. To make edits in the MS Project calendar, we do not change the Project tab and move a few buttons on the right to the Change Working Time button.

After clicking on it, on the bottom, you will find the grid where we need to choose the Work Weeks tab and then click on the Details on the right. In the pop-up window, you can choose weekdays on the left and three options — on the right: Use project default times for these days ; Set days to nonworking time ; Set day s to these specific working times.

You will find more details changes in working days a little bit below. For now, the steps to set working days in Microsoft Project are as follows:. To create your own base calendar, in the Change Working time tab choose Create New Calendar on the top right corner.

On the left, choose the day s you need to change working times for and then go to Set day s to these specific working times with From and To timeframes in the columns.

Put down the required time and click Ok to apply. We can include weekends to projects in MS Project. For this, we take absolutely the same steps as we took in the How to change working days tab. On the left, choose a nonworking day you need to turn into a working one and then choose the timeframes. On the contrary, the Set days to nonworking time option will make your working day a nonworking one. Holidays are not included in base calendars and any other project you create in MS Project.


Change the default time unit for work – Microsoft Support


Enable device registration Initialize-ADDeviceRegistration Enable-AdfsDeviceRegistration Set-AdfsDeviceRegistration -ServiceAccountIdentifier mfalab3taehee Get-AdfsDeviceRegistration.

Open Powershell and run Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName “Microsoft Office Identity Platform” -AllowedAuthenticationClassReferences wiaormultiauthn. From Domain joined Win7, 1. com “, enter current login domain user account – ” must login in without redirecting ADFS login page!! There are many different ways to copy an Azure Virtual Machine’s managed disks to different Azure regions for the purpose of creating images local to that region. My experience with AzCopy –sync-copy using an Azure Virtual Machine spun up specifically for the purpose of doing the copy, has been the best so I wrapped the process in Azure Automation.

I bring you a best practice that we often use in testing environments but can prove valuable in production as well. This is great if you want to monitor Microsoft Teams management easy and quickly without having to go through the portal, and Audit Logs. In a quickly searchable manner, within Microsoft Teams. First of all, we should define the structure we will use for our group and channels for ease of access.

As you can see, I use 3 isolated channels within 1 single Team, as not to clutter one single channel too much with all operations in it. First of all, you should get the E-mail addresses for the channel s you create for this effect:. Next we will customize the Alert for our needs 6.

Make sure to paste the Channel E-mail address in the recipients. Another important note is the scope of this Alert. In my example above, I created separate alerts, based on the activity scope, and channels. The best thing about these logs is it will de-clutter your mailbox for sure with n need to stress it in case you have a huge company, without the need to set up Exchange Rules, folders for each type of audit, or the need to manually set up a new search.

You can also customize the reports at your will. For example, have a channel for all user changes, another for all groups, other for channels, etc etc…. The upgrade at this point is an Opt-in so if you do nothing you will remain in Office Video till it becomes a forced upgrade.

Note: Please note that once started, the migration wizard process cannot be paused and restarted later. Q — What is Microsoft Stream? A — is a new video service that uses the power of intelligent enterprise video to enable knowledge sharing, easier communication, and connectivity in a secure enterprise environment.

Microsoft Stream is the successor to Office Video; however, the two services will co-exist during the transition period. Both are built on Azure Media Services and use the same streaming video technology, allowing playback at scale across any device.

A — Review the feature breakdown comparing Microsoft Stream and O Video here. Q — How long takes the migration? A — Once your tenant is eligible for migration, tenant admins will see the banner on the Office Video homepage to initiate migration. Users will land in the migration experience and they will get information about what to expect during the migration. A — Only the Stream admins and users on the migration reviewer list will see the migrated content in its read-only state in Stream before the migration is finalized.

Q — What are “Stream only” groups? A — ”Stream only” groups are a new concept which we introduced with the migration from Office Video to Stream. These groups live within Stream only and are not tied to Office groups, thus they do not create other resources in the rest of O Office Video will transition to Microsoft Stream. Stream Transition Overview. Office Video and Microsoft Stream Feature Breakdown. AI 塾」ブログ 本シリーズでは、AI を “誰にとっても身近なもの” と捉え、あらゆるビジネスを発展させ、人々の生活をより豊かにするための「ツール」として活用していくための情報を発信していきます。.

最近、世界的なキーワードとして「第四次産業革命」という言葉が話題になっています。蒸気機関の第一次、電力による大量生産が可能になった第二次、コンピューターとインターネットが台頭した第三次に続く第四の波。この革命を起こすものとされるのが AI と IoT です。少々大げさな話にも聞こえますが、 AI は産業界だけでなく、社会全体の仕組みをも根本から変える可能性を秘めています。本ブログではこれまで 3 回にわたり AI のビジネス活用を考えてきましたが、最終となる今回は、AI 導入によって生まれる新たな価値について、IPA 独立行政法人情報処理推進機構 の古明地 正俊 こめいち まさとし 氏にご意見をいただきながら検証します。.

日々の生活の中で、AI スピーカーやロボットなど、AI にまつわるさまざまな報道や商品を目にしますが、結局のところ、私たちのビジネスにおいて AI を導入して「できること」とは、いったい何なのでしょうか。 調査結果を見ると、AI で実現したい業務効率化の項目は「分析」と「業務自動化」が上位になっています。どちらも AI が得意とする仕事ではありますが、AI の領域はそれ以外にも多岐にわたります。. 現在、開発が進むものとしてまず挙げられるのが「自動運転」の分野です。刻々と変わる周囲の状況を把握しつつ、瞬時の判断が求められる運転操作が AI にできるのかに注目が集まっています。製造業では画像認識技術を用いた製品検査や、生産設備の故障予知といった先進的な活用が始まっています。医療の分野でも AI を導入する動きが活発です。中でもディープラーニングの活用による画像診断の精度向上は、医学の進歩に重要な役割を果たすものとして期待が高まっています。.

比較的 AI に馴染みが薄いと思われていた分野でも導入例が増加しています。たとえば農業では作物の生育管理に AI を活用し、これまで生産者の経験と勘に頼っていた農作業の効率化に取り組んでいます。また、小売業では店員に代わって接客を行うロボットを見かけるようになり、売り上げ予測を AI で行うなどの事例も増加しています。金融業では与信審査や株価予測の AI 化が進み、政府や関係省庁が発表する資料を AI が分析して景況感を示す仕組みが登場しました。 このように、分野を問わずあらゆる業種で AI 活用が進められている状況です。.

また、中には AI を導入した企業から「期待したほどの効果が得られない」といった声を聴くこともあります。もし AI を学習させるデータに誤りがあったり、業務内容に合わせた改善を怠ったりすると AI は能力を発揮できず、最悪の場合、誰も使わず放置されることにもなりかねません。新人教育の原則にならい、AI も根気よく、着実に育てていく姿勢が求められます。.

AI 塾」の第 1 章では、AI を自身のビジネスにかかわるものして具体的なイメージができないという方に向けて、より身近に、あらゆる人の生活やビジネスを飛躍させるものであるということを発信してきました。 日進月歩で進化を続ける AI ですが、その役割は「人を助けること」にあります。みんなの AI ブログでは、これからもマイクロソフトがめざす「AI の民主化」を実現するための取り組みや、さまざまな分野で活用される最新 AI 技術に関する情報を発信していきます。. 取材協力 古明地 正俊(こめいち まさとし)氏 独立行政法人情報処理推進機構(IPA)イノベーション推進部部長。東京工業大学修士課程修了後、大手メーカーの研究部門においてパターン認識の研究に従事。 年野村総合研究所に入社し、IT アナリストとして先端テクノロジーの動向調査および技術戦略の立案などを行う。現在は IPA において IT 社会の動向調査・分析を行い、「AI白書」などの形で情報発信している。 主な著書: 図解 人工知能大全 AIの基本と重要事項がまとめて全部わかる(SBクリエイティブ) AI 人工知能 まるわかり (日本経済新聞出版社).

Last week the Public Update PU for Project Server and were released for January This month, client and server updates were released on January 8th. Typically the client updates release on the first Tuesday of the month and server on the second Tuesday release schedule. There was a Project Server Cumulative update package released this month that contains fix for security vulnerability. We are now delivering as Public Updates, although Server fixes are shipped just via the Download Center and not via Microsoft Update Unless there is a security element or a fix deemed essential – this month both SharePoint Server and fixes have security fixes – so some may have come down via the update center.

These are still all cumulative and include fixes released in all previous updates since the last baseline Initial release for and SP1 for A note about Click-to-Run sometimes abbreviated C2R versions of Project for Office The updates for this version are not included in this blog. We may have a future blog with additional information about Click-to-Run update channels and methods. Feel free to open a support case if you have any questions around this or need assistance getting these patches deployed.

The PU releases also have a real prerequisite of the appropriate Service Pack 1 SP1 , and links for SP1 are given below. SP1 is enforced in this release, so you will find out as I did if you really do have SP1 for all your installed components and language packs!

This also means RTM is no longer supported! aspx too which describes an issue you might see if you don’t have the ‘right’ SP1. Slipstream would work with the original SP1 – but the updates require the re-released SP1. Since the May PU this shouldn’t be an issue – but including here just in case. Another important point to add here is that there was in early running the SharePoint Configuration Wizard on a server with Project Server installed -this is fixed by applying the April or later- so a good practice would be to load SP1, then the current PU and then run the configuration wizard if you didn’t already load the April through June CU.

With the release, we just have a single patch usually this single patch comes in two parts a wssloc and sts part – however this month we only have the sts part – as we have also the single msi for installation of SharePoint Server Project Server still needs licensing separately though.

Both parts need installing before the configuration wizard is executed. The sts part of the patch also contains security fixes so is released via Microsoft Update, the Update catalog as well as the download center. Description of the security update for SharePoint Server January 8, Includes Project fixes, like the roll-up patch in Project Server There is a database schema update this month – it changes to Remember, Project Server data is in the content database.

The version number For reference – the RTM build number seen for the DB schema would be The version of Project Professional will be updated to In we don’t do a good job of displaying the version in File, Account, About Project – we only display the MSO version and not the specific Project version You can confirm this by looking at the version of winproj.

exe – in default for 32 bit C:Program Files x86 Microsoft OfficeOffice If you have Click to Run and using Project Pro for Office at the ’16’ level, then your version will depend on which update frequency you have set. We are aware that we don’t appear to expose the full change details for Project and are looking into it – you should start seeing more here soon.

This include multiple fixes, so Microsoft strongly recommends that you test this in a test environment based on your production environment before putting this fix live in production. You can read about the fixes included in the Project and Project Server December PUs from the following articles:. Project Server Individual Project Package – cumulative, but only the Project Server fixes :.

The dbo. Versions table should show Project Professional Versions Project Server settings. By Sarah Lean , Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft. When considering a migration from your on-prem data centre to Azure, there are several stages you should consider. The first stage , assessment , is key to the success of your migration. Y ou need to have a good understanding of what you have within your environment and how it all interconnects.

There are various tools available that can help you do the discovery piece of your migration journey; Microsoft’s offering is called Azure Migrate. Azure Migrate assesses your on-premises machines, providing performance-based sizing information, cost estimates and suitability information for runn ing within Azure.

Do note that Azure Migrate is a pure discovery tool. At the moment, Azure Migrate only supports assessing VMware environments. However, functionality to be able to assess Hyper-V environments is currently in a private preview state.

By using a collector appliance within your environment, it discovers information about your on-premises VMs. I t connects to your VMware vCenter Server via a read-only account and collects VM metadata using the VMware PowerCLI cmdlets. The collector appliance communicates on port with Azure and with your vCentre server, so minimal firewall changes will be required. This metadata is pushed to an Azure Migrate project, which can be in one of the following geographies:.

Once the information has been pushed to the Azure Migrate project you can create an assessment, which will flag any issues you may have trying to run certain Operating System s OS on Azure, provide recommendations for the VM size to use in Azure, and the costs associated with running these VMs each month. You can create multiple assessment reports to suit your needs regarding VM sizes, location, VM uptime, Reserved Instance pricing and even Azure Hybrid Benefit pricing.

This gives you the ability to model different scenarios that can be presented to your senior leadership team when trying to decide the best way forward for your environment. In addition to the assessment data collected by the collector appliance, you can also implement dependency visualisation which helps you to view and identify related machines that need to be migrated together to Azure.

Azure Migrate leverages the Service Map solution that is part of the Azure Log Analytics service, to provide the dependency visu alisation. You can either associate an existing Log Analytics workspace or create a new one, but please be aware once you attach a workspace to your project, you cannot change it.

To take advantage of the Dependency Visualisation you need to download and install two agents onto each on-premise s VM you want to analyse. These agents are:. Each VM that you install the agents on needs to be able to push the data back to Azure via the Internet.

Below is a picture of what the dependency visualization output will look like:. By carrying out the dependency visualisation assessment you will be able to identify which of your on-premises VMs are interconnected and have dependencies on each other. This is useful for planning your migration as you want to migrate machines that have dependencies on each other together, to avoid any latency, connectivity or performance issues.

Azure Migrate is available at no additional charge, and the dependency visualisation feature is free for the first days when used in conjunction with an Azure Migrate project. You may incur charges if you use other solutions within Log Analytics, or run the service for more than days. Welcome to the US Partner Community Hot Sheet, a comprehensive schedule of partner training, webcasts, community calls, and office hours.

This post is updated frequently as we learn about new offerings, so you can plan ahead. Community calls for the US Partner Community are led by experts from across the US Partner Team, and provide practice-building and business-building guidance. February March February 12 — How to build your own IoT Enabled Field Services Demo.

March 12 – Learn how to develop a Dynamics Connector with code and the REST API. Look for new schedule soon. February 7 – Create an infographic for EOS. February 14 – Partner show n’ tell.

February 21 – Agile marketing: Build an agile marketing board on Teams. February 8. February 6. March 6. February 7 — Microsoft Dynamics Government Community Cloud GCC for partners. Dynamics for Customer Service Bootcamp. Hybrid Cloud Bootcamp. DRaaS Bootcamp.

Microsoft Azure Discovery Day : Hardening Modern PaaS Application Deployments. Modern Workplace Partner Community Call – Modern Desktop. Learn the foundation of IaaS in Azure Government with Azure Virtual Machines. Technical deep dive: SQL Server security and GDPR. Adopting Dynamics for Sales, Customer Service – Data analysis. Introduction to Azure Backup.

Getting started with Office app development. Transitioning from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams. Grow, build, and connect with Microsoft for Startups. Introduction to Microsoft Modern Desktop. Introduction to application migration to Azure. New guidance to accelerate your Modern Workplace business. Marketing SureStep Office Hours: Plan a great EOS webinar.

Download as PDF Printable version. Title screen as of Tamori Marina Namiki. Jun Hattori Sumire Uesaka Ayane Sakura Hiroshi Kamiya. TV Asahi and other ANN affiliates International: TV Japan , TVB J2. HDTV i.

October 24, Rie Nakahara [ ja ]. Yasumasa Matsui [ ja ]. Chikako Kinoshita [ ja ]. Satsuki Ariga [ ja ]. Sayaka Shimohira [ ja ]. Emi Takeuchi [ ja ]. Yoshie Takeuchi. Marina Namiki [ ja ]. February 18, February 25, March 4, March 11, April 22, April 29, May 27, Miwako Okuda. June 10, June 17, Tsubakiya Quartette. June 24, September 2, September 16, November 4, January 9, January 27, February 10, March 17, April 21, April 28, May 5, June 2, June 9, Captain Straydum.

August 4, August 18, August 25, September 1, September 8, December 17, February 2, February 23, April 6, May 18, June 1, June 8, Stephanie “. June 15, July 13, January 18, January 25, February 22, March 7, Sotte Bosse.

April 25, Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn’t match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures.

2023-01-23T04:44:14+04:00January 23rd, 2023|

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