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Microsoft project 2016 silent uninstall free

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Asked 6 years ago views. Post as a guest Name. Wanted to add the uninstall string to SCCM to automate the uninstall process, but I’m struggling to find the string that works, or the form of the XML configuration file that works. View more:. Use find-and-replace. Log in or sign посмотреть еще to see answer. Npcap keeps track of the driver installation aka microsoft project 2016 silent uninstall free run by NPFInstall.


Fixlet | Uninstall: MSI – Microsoft Project Professional – Windows | replace.me.Uninstalling Microsoft Project using Endpoint Central-Software


I have a number of computers that have Office installed, as well as si,ent Project or Visio I want to silently uninstall Project or Visio but leave Office intact. Wanted to add the uninstall string to SCCM to automate the uninstall process, but I’m struggling to find the string that works, or the form of the XML configuration file that works. That works, but of course waits prouect a prompt since Display Level is set to “full”. If I change it to “none”, setup.

That, too, waits for a prompt before running the uninstall. So I’m out of ideas for how to get this to uninstall silently. Top Answer. Sign up today to participate, stay informed, earn points and establish a reputation for yourself! Log in. I microsoft project 2016 silent uninstall free this would work much like Officehttp://replace.me/23702.txt a silent uninstall command of: setup.

Asked 5 years ago views. Answer Summary:. Posted by: spartacus 5 привожу ссылку ago. Comments: This should work just fine. I had tried this in the past and dilent as expected. This worked, Spartacus. You can get the uninstall command line from the registry for any ClickToRun or Deployment Tool office microsoft project 2016 silent uninstall free I’m experimenting with installing перейти на страницу components.

Why doesn’t MS document these things somewhere. Thanks for the help. Answer this question. Posted by:. RonW Ninja since: 13 years ago. Don’t be a Stranger! Sign up! View more:. Software Deployment Questions. How to properly format app to fix “could not write value” issue when repackaging app.

New to KACE, need help with uninstalling. Software installed via KACE deployement is not detected by windows, yet it works when the executable is found and run. How does this happen? Detecting Zoom installations excluding temp applications. Problem installing Microsoft Photos as K post-deployment task or at all. Link Related Links. Capture Pro Software. Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams Connection Issue. Microsoft project 2016 silent uninstall free Related Posts.


Solved: How do I uninstall Project from the command line | Experts Exchange

Nov 11, · One I am trying to do is Microsoft Visio Professional I have the deployment working but cannot get the uninstall to work silently. So I am testing outside of SCCM and running directly from the command prompt of the pc. replace.me /uninstall visio. Now this starts the uninstall but prompts me if I am sure I want to uninstall the product. Dec 29, · Open a Command Prompt and Type Setup /help. Office Deployment Tool. SETUP /download [path to configuration file] SETUP /configure [path to configuration file] SETUP /packager [path to configuration file] [output path] Now the Command Line is like this. replace.me /configure replace.me I created the package from Inventory by right clicking on Microsoft Office Standard in the application list for the computer and created the package in Deploy. “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\Office Setup Controller\replace.me” /uninstall STANDARD /dll replace.me Then I added the follow switches.

2023-01-23T04:44:14+04:00January 23rd, 2023|

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