CITC Corporate Communication Strategy
Communications And Information Technology Commission (CITC) – Saudi Arabia
Launch the Corporate Communication Strategy for CITC, and contribute to its implementation. CITC decided to choose a digital agency to manage their corporate communication strategy in order to strongly emphasize the role of digital communication and engagement within their new strategy.

Capture the communication needs of CITC, as being the authority of regulating telecom and technology in Saudi Arabia. Establish the long-term strategy for CITC. Engage the public on various relevant issues. Launch communication channels and initiatives that serve CITC strategic objectives.
1- Finalized a 5-year comprehensive corporate communication strategy for CITC and the plan to implement it.
2- Went through a thorough process of review and approval for the strategy with all stakeholders.
3- Contributed heavily during the contract period to various management and communication meetings within CITC in order to enforce the strategy.
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